Jeremy Utley

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Who Will Lead the AI Charge?

I’m thrilled to showcase this insightful piece from Conor Grennan, Chief AI Architect at NYU’s Stern School of Business. Check out Conor’s fantastic weekly newsletter, AI Mindset, here.

Generative AI isn’t about tech. Not really.

It’s about your people. And how your people behave.

Lemme guess - some of your organizations out there have bought licenses, to OpenAI, CoPilot. But how’s that going for you? Everyone suddenly a super user?


Because we’re doing it wrong.

We’re treating this like any other new tech.

But it’s not.

To get generative AI adopted in your organization - I mean really adopted, into the DNA of your organization, where your people are using it as seamlessly as they use the internet - that requires behavioral change at scale.

You need your ‘People’ people.

You need Human Resources. You need Talent Management.

If you have good folks in that department? You’re gonna be in really good shape.

Because Human Resources is about to become the most critical department in your company's AI journey.

Let's talk about:

  1. Why HR must lead the AI charge

  2. How HR can drive this seismic shift

  3. The game-changing impact on your organization

(Also, you folks who are shouting “Of course this is tech!” and tossing empty cans around the room - relax, friends. The tech part of this is the (relatively) easy part. The tech people are already working on it - it’s what they do, it’s what they’re great at. But it’s not the fastest car that wins, it’s the fastest driver. Ignore this at your peril. Now let’s get into it.)


Here's a hard truth:

Giving your employees access to ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot isn't going to magically transform your company into an AI powerhouse.

It's like giving everyone in America a treadmill and expecting to cure heart disease.

The tool isn't the solution.

The behavior is.

This isn't about learning new software. It's about fundamentally changing how people work, think, and show up every day.

And who understands people better than HR?

Think about it. When was the last time a new tool actually changed the way your entire company operates? Never, that's when. Sure, you found efficiencies, and that’s great, but this isn’t about making a better mousetrap.

Tools don't change behavior. People do. And HR? They're in the business of people.


Ready for HR to take the wheel on your AI journey? Here's your roadmap:

1. Start at the Top

You can't expect your troops to charge into battle if the generals are still using carrier pigeons.

Training on generative AI has to start with senior leadership (JU: case in point, Founder of the Future Diarra Bousso).


Because they're the ones who set the pace, who decide what "good" looks like in this brave new world. They have to set benchmarks.

What should a productive 8-hour day look like when you've got an AI assistant? That's not a question for IT. That's a question for the people who understand workflow, productivity, and human potential. That's HR.

2. Inspire, Don't Just Train

Remember when you got that gym membership? Did you suddenly transform into a fitness god? Of course not. Because knowing how to use a treadmill isn't the same as building a habit of using it.

The same goes for AI.

It's not enough to show people how to use ChatGPT.

You need to inspire them to integrate it into their daily work life.

This is about behavior change, folks.

And behavior change? That's HR's bread and butter.

3. Rethink Talent Management

In the AI age, the skills that make a star employee are changing.

We need people who can think critically, who can work alongside AI, who can see possibilities where others see roadblocks.

That means new hiring criteria. New ways of evaluating performance. New paths for career development.

Who's equipped to handle all that?

You guessed it: HR.

4. Customize for Culture

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to AI adoption. What works for a Silicon Valley startup won't work for a 100-year-old manufacturing company.

AI needs to be integrated in a way that aligns with your company's unique culture and values. And who's the guardian of company culture? HR, of course.

5. Measure What Matters

As we dive into this AI-powered future, we need to keep a pulse on how it's affecting our most valuable asset: our people.

Are they more engaged? More satisfied? Are they spending more time on high-value work?

These are the metrics that will truly tell us if our AI adoption is successful.

And guess who's best positioned to track and analyze these human-centric metrics?

HR, all the way.


When HR leads the AI charge, a different kind magic can happen - productivity isn’t just about productivity. It’s about satisfaction.

Imagine a world where the tedious, soul-crushing tasks that eat up half the workday just... disappear. Poof! Gone. Accelerated by AI.

Suddenly, your people have time for the creative, fulfilling projects they've been dreaming about. Job satisfaction? Up. Retention? Up.

Innovation becomes the norm, not the exception.

You're not just keeping up with the competition; you're leaving them behind in a way that’s incredibly hard to follow.

Company culture evolves.

AI isn't just a tool anymore.

It's part of your DNA.

Adaptability and continuous learning become core values. Your organization becomes a magnet for top talent. The best and brightest are knocking down your door because they know this is where the future is happening.


HR can’t just be invited to the AI party. They've gotta host it.

This is your moment, HR professionals. It's time to step up, lead the charge, and transform your organization from the inside out.

Remember: AI without human insight is just artificial. Make it intelligent by putting people first.

Now go forth and revolutionize. Your company's future depends on it.

Related: Beyond the Prompt: Diarra Bousso, the Archetypical Founder of the Future
Related: Ethan Mollick’s Guest Post: “Everyone is in R&D”

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