Paint + Pipette

A blog on the art & science of creative action.

Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Be Obsessive

It’s hard to overstate the value of a good old fashioned obsession. Apathy is the enemy of creativity. Obsession fuels innovation. Here’s a great story of obsession at Netflix.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Broaden Your Experimental Portfolio

Experiment broadly! Fantastic example from Ogilvy on the power of fighting tunnel vision, which limit us to far narrower ideation and far fewer experiments than would be beneficial.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Make Scrappy Experiments

Innovators from Edison to Netflix teach us that while every innovator should know how to craft clever experiments, yet one clever experiment is hardly sufficient… you’ve got to get scrappy.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Play the Odds

I’m a closet statistics nerd. Good for me, because innovation is a numbers game. One of my favorite counterintuitive statistical truths is expressed by Bayes’ Theorem, which can effectively bend the odds.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Experiment Broadly

Our limited definitions of relevance limit us to far fewer experiments than would be beneficial, within a much narrower range than is likely to reveal a meaningful difference-maker. Fantastic example from Ogilvy.

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