Innovation. Leadership. Transformative Learning.
Check out the courses Jeremy teaches to Stanford students and the programs he leads for corporate professionals.

Online Classes
His online classes make it easy to access world-class learning wherever you are. Check out these flagship courses and join a virtual community of practice.
Creativity and Design Thinking
Make innovation a daily practice in your life. Through hands-on exercises and application-based frameworks, you’ll learn how to harness your creativity to continuously produce novel solutions to any challenge you face.
D.school instructors will guide you through a journey of discovering inspiration, generating ideas, and applying problem-solving strategies to projects at home or in your office.
Empathize and Prototype
Move beyond theory and dive into hands-on practice in the art of innovation. Empathize with your customer, synthesize your learnings, and rapidly prototype and test your new ideas. Master techniques for gaining empathy with customers and immediately put them to use in a series of hands on exercises that guide you from synthesis to prototyping and testing.
Innovation Strategy
It is often said that success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. Ironically, teams tasked with growing business ventures often neglect the 1% that fuels the 99%. This course equips individuals and teams being asked to innovate with the critical tools they need to seek the inspiration that will drive their perspiration and turn unknowns into radically new products.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate
The Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate Program teaches you essential skills and effective strategies for working in and managing innovative organizations – and for starting new ones. In online innovation courses designed to engage and inspire, you will learn by doing from some of Stanford’s best in the field.
Be prepared to get out of your chair and use your whole brain, because creativity and innovation take practice.
Innovation at Work
Spark new ideas and solve challenges that matter to you by bringing the practice of design thinking and Stanford's d.school expertise to your workplace.Through a series of online instruction videos, guided activities, and companion workbooks for all participants, you and your group will tackle projects that matter to you, using design thinking tools.
In-person Classes
He has taught at the d.school since 2009. Some past and present courses on entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal transformation include...
Launch Pad (Past)
Launchpad is one of Stanford University’s most successful accelerators. Each Spring quarter 10 new teams launch a real business in just 10 weeks. Led by Perry Klebahn.
Leading Disruptive Innovation (Past)
Fantastic course that connects real-world organizations with select Stanford University graduate students. Over the course of 8 weeks Stanford students will work closely with an organization to tackle a business challenge with design thinking. Led by Perry Klebahn, Kathryn Segovia, and Bob Sutton.
Transformative Design (Present)
A flagship d.school course designed to restore a sense of passion into the lives of current Stanford students by creating the space to explore and experiment with the greatest design project possible: YOUR LIFE. We prototype your life to become more fulfilled. In collaboration with Bernie Roth and Aleta Hayes.
Controlling the Narrative (Past)
Experimental d.school offering designed to empower under represented minority youth with the tools they need to tell their stories through multimedia. In collaboration with Lecrae, Adam Thomason, Brandon Middleton, and Seamus Yu Harte.
Taming Temptation (Past)
Experimental d.school offering designed to explore the intersection of behavioral psychology and human centered design. The course explored themes of implications of behavioral psychology on efforts to help curb unwanted or harmful impulses. In collaboration with Dan Ariely and Sarah Stein Greenberg.
Designing Life, Essentially (Past)
Experimental the school offering designed to help students eliminate distracting, nonessential distractions and focus on the things that matter most. In collaboration with Greg McKeown.