Paint + Pipette

A blog on the art & science of creative action.

Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Allow Folks to Play

If innovation is a numbers game, subject to considerable odds, then how can a leader bend the odds? IDEO’s Brendan Boyle says play is a key lever to drive the breadth of experimentation required to succeed.

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Guest User Guest User

Make It To Make It Better

Philippe Barreaud, Head of Michelin’s Customer Labs, has a hard-won portfolio of insights from leading global innovation for 20+ years. Here, he revels in the paradoxes of prototyping as a toolkit.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Craft Constructive Context

Want to know the single-greatest factor that determines the success of a professional learning experience? It has much less to do with the learner, or the curriculum, than it does the organization to which the learner returns.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Expect Opposition

There’s not nearly enough airspace afforded the opposition that innovation faces inside of established organizations. While folks generally acknowledge that “the organizational antibodies attack” when they try to do something new, yet few are prepared to face resistance to their new ideas.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley


The counter-cultural practices of Google X, Amazon, and 3M demonstrate that public celebration reinforces organizational values, especially when those values run contrary to conventional business rules.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley


Examples from Google X, Amazon, and even 3M all demonstrate that public ceremony reinforces organizational values, especially when those values run contrary to conventional business rules.

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