Methods of the Masters

A blog on the art & science of creative action.

Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Protect the Braintrust

Ed Catmull describes the rigorous process by which Pixar’s movies go from terrible, to exceptional. Drawing on insights from Isaac Asimov, here are a few rules to follow.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Navigate Embarrassment

Taylor Swift and Isaac Asimov feel the same way about doing creative work: It can be embarrassing! How an innovator navigates those waters can make all the difference. Ben Franklin’s tactics provide clues…

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Assess Your Collaborators

Other minds represent one of the greatest sources of inspiration and leverage for problem solving endeavors. Ask these three questions to identify gaps in your portfolio of perspectives.

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Jeremy Utley Jeremy Utley

Join A Junto

Ben Franklin is one of history’s most prolific innovators, with breakthroughs ranging from literature to science to civics. How’d he do it? A simple but profound weekly ritual to spur fresh thinking.

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Creativity, Curiosity Jeremy Utley Creativity, Curiosity Jeremy Utley

Playground Rules For A Junto

In case you missed the post from Thanksgiving Day (and who can blame you? Certainly not this guy, who allowed a guest post from a science fiction writer who died nearly 30 years ago), I wanted to underline one portion in particular, as it has special bearing upon an idea I mentioned earlier in the week: the rules of engagement that Ben Franklin laid out for his Junto. I’m more and more persuaded that such gatherings are an indispensable tool for individuals seeking to drive fresh thinking in their own unique context…

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